about Vanessa

Vanessa Fernandez was born and raised in the vibrant cultural landscape of Cuba, where she was immersed in the rich tapestry of art and history from an early age. His artistic journey began as a form of self-expression, and then developed an artistic career for several years. Vanessa holds a prestigious Bachelor of Fine Arts degree, graduating from (ISA) in 2011 in Visuals Arts, a testament to her unwavering dedication to mastering her craft. His academic training has provided her with a solid foundation in art theory and technique, which she skillfully combines with the fundamentals of design.

Vanessa Fernandez's artistic journey is a testament to her commitment to pushing the boundaries of creativity. Rooted in her Cuban heritage, she infuses her work with a unique combination of cultural richness and global inspiration. She visualizes ideas as a bridge between worlds, where art and design come together without rules, to give expression to creativity to connect us all.

As Vanessa Fernandez continues to explore new horizons and mixing the boundaries, her captivating murals, evocative portraits, and visionary interior designs will undoubtedly leave an enduring legacy in the world of art and design.